The Golden lion tamarin is a very active and vocal little primate. However, except for squeals of alarm when threatened by superiors, all of the vocalizations are soft, faint calls.
Like other rodents, the guinea pig has long incisors, which grow constantly to compensate for wear. Only the front surfaces bear enamel and, since the inner surfaces of the incisors wear down more quickly, they remain bevel-edged.
Hippos arrive at the water pool before sunrise and leave after dark. In the grass the hippos spread out and graze alone, except for females and their calves, who stay close together most of the night.
The tongue’s upper surface has small bumps on it which enables the lion to hold on to meat while eating and to remove parasites when grooming.
The Sumatran tiger is found only on the Indonesian island of Sumatra in habitat that ranges from lowland forest to sub mountain and mountain forest including some peat moss forests.
Lemurs are found only on the east African island of Madagascar. They live in the dry woodland districts with a seven to eight month dry season.
Orangutans spend their lives in the tropical forest canopy 20 to 100 feet off the ground. It is assumed that one of the reasons for this, is because the tigers would be its main natural predator.
Adult males weigh 10-20 lbs, females are slightly smaller. Dense fluffy fur keeps these animals cool in hot temperatures, and also presents a larger image to predators.
Wart Hogs prefer plains regions and avoid forests. They inhabit Africa south of the Sahara except at the southern tip of the continent.
Siamangs range through southeastern Asia and are found in some numbers in the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra.