Crocodile Monitor also known as the Papuan monitor or the Salvadori’s monitor is the longest lizard in the world.

The Fiji Banded Iguana is an endangered species. They are threatened primarily by human encroachment and invasive species.

Like most lizards, they are not vocal unless hissing when threatened. Instead, these animals communicate with visual signals such as color changing, head bobs, and arm waving.

This giant gecko is nocturnal and during the day, seeks shelter in the holes and cracks of trees. When night falls, they venture up into the canopy in order to forage.

Ball Pythons hunt using a variety of senses, including sight, smell, and thermal imaging.

The African Helmeted Turtle is a relatively small turtle with a shell length of 15-18 cm (6 to 7) as an adult. The shell is very thin, oval shaped, and brown to olive in color.

The African pancake tortoise, Malacochersus tornieri, is a small, very flattened tortoise with a thin, flexible shell. It is also known as the pancake tortoise, soft-shelled tortoise, and Tornier’s tortoise.

The African spurred tortoise is is the third-largest species of tortoise in the world, the largest species of mainland tortoise, and the only species in the genus Centrochelys.

This is the largest tortoise species on the Asian continent and quite possibly the oldest tortoise species in the world, having changed very little over millions of years.

The Aldabra giant tortoise, from the islands of the Aldabra Atoll in the Seychelles, is one of the largest tortoises in the world.