Skinks are covered in a variety of scale types such as smooth, rough, keeled, and some that end in sharp points. They can be very brightly colored to drab, patterned on plain.

The Shingleback skink is found in southern and western Australia, in desert grassland areas or sandy dunes. Skinks are shy and secretive and seldom stray far from their shelter.

The Cockatiels strangest habit is perching lengthwise along a stout limb of a dead tree. This habit is baffling to all who study Cockatiels.

Crested Pigeons are quite abundant and can be found in most of Australia except in the areas of heavy rainfall.

When they are eating, one bird will keep watch and if disturbed, the entire flock will fly off.

During the day frogmouths sleep perched lengthwise on a branch with their heads up and their eyes closed. Their color so matches the branch that they look like part of it and are almost impossible to see.

The Australian aborigines have a legend about the Kookaburra. When the sun rose for the first time, the god Bayame ordered the kookaburra to utter its loud, almost human laughter in order to wake up mankind so that they should not miss the wonderful sunrise.

Many people consider the Birds of Paradise among the most beautiful and interesting of all birds because of their spectacular plumage and intricate mating dances.

In the winter months, Kolea can be found in Hawaii, California, and across southern Asia and Australasia.